Gender: | Male |
About Me: | I graduated from James Madison University in 2014 as an English Major. This aids me in fueling my writing about video games. |
Currently Playing: | Assassin's Creed: Origins, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Dishonored 2, Middle Earth: Shadow of War, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age |
Gamer Tag: | ZSCHNELLER |
ZacharySchneller started the topic Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Tips (tentative pitch) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 0 month and 21 days ago
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Tips
Grinding Loot Boxes:
I think it’s best to just lay out a tip concerning Battlefront 2’s progression system first and expound upon the good shit after addressing the unforgiving progression loop. Battlefront 2’s infamous loot box progression system is the main detriment to the game but with some patience playe…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic Article 10 PITCH in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 3 month and 16 days ago
Hey Trav I tried to address your concerns with roughly 600 extra words so let me know if I succeeded. I tried to include what you thought was missing plus extra clarification like you suggested. Please let me know if we need anything else before I put pics on this thing and get it out there.
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic Article 10 PITCH in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 3 month and 16 days ago
Monster Hunter Tips
I can’t help but think of imparting a decade of knowledge on to Monster Hunter newcomers feels like a die hard Star Wars fan introducing a friend new to the saga to the massive extended lore and that almost cultish Star Wars universe fervor. Monster Hunter is now a boundlessly complex multiverse with comic, manga, and a m…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic Article 10 PITCH in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 3 month and 22 days ago
Monster Hunter Tips
I can’t help but think of imparting a decade of knowledge on to Monster Hunter newcomers feels like a die hard Star Wars fan introducing a friend new to the saga to the massive extended lore and that almost cultish Star Wars universe fervor. Monster Hunter is now a boundlessly complex multiverse with comic, manga, and an m…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic Destiny In Progress Draft (as of now untitled) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 5 month and 16 days ago
focus: the good and bad of the effect nostalgia has hashed out in a video game canvas
ZacharySchneller started the topic Destiny In Progress Draft (as of now untitled) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 5 month and 16 days ago
Happy and Cringe Inducing Destiny Nostalgia:
I write this article with optimism for the future of the Destiny franchise. This positive feeling stems from my hundreds of hours history with the game and I draw much joy and feel the occasional pang of nostalgia for the agonizing stressful parts immortalized in past memes and gaming memories.…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic Write for us! in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 6 month and 16 days ago
13 Bro-Tastic Reasons I Play For Honor
13. Strengthening brother bond
For Honor proves itself more than a standard gaming experience. The game is an opportunity for my brother and I to communicate while kicking ass. It’s a nice substitute for our lack of bodily presence. We exist on opposite sides of the US, connected through earpieces and t…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic For Honor Multiplayer (focus on familial brotherhood) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 7 month and 12 days ago
It’s all good, dude! Great stuff, I’m on it.
ZacharySchneller replied to the topic For Honor Multiplayer (focus on familial brotherhood) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 7 month and 13 days ago
Article Focus: Multiplayer experience centered on relationship with brother and how the game caters to our competitive spirit as rivals and as teammates. Each of the 1-14 reasons contain context with the brother experience, so that is the overarching theme I’m pursuing: how For Honor can be a video game that emphasizes family values in the right…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic For Honor Multiplayer (focus on familial brotherhood) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 7 month and 16 days ago
For Honor
1. Strengthening of brother bond
2. elaborate Sibling rivalry
3. Tag team fights
4. the tense One on one duel bouts
5. camaraderie built out of Ass kicking
6. Savage, violent Brutality
7. Psychological breakdown of opponents’ moves
8. fighting with honor
10. fighting with No Honor
11. players’ frequent Rage Quit
12.…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic Article 7 PITCH in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 9 month and 11 days ago
Pitch for Article 7
Cooperative gaming is a viable form of bonding
Explain how current small group of friends allows better bonding and better acquisition of key game skills.Inside Jokes
“making area A great again,” silly names for guns, going straight for the “D”
Accents, Impersonations
Hilarity ensues when attempting a plethor…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic The Other Side of the Coin: A List of Casual Gaming Experiences PITCH in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 9 month and 11 days ago
The Other Side of the Coin: A List of Casual Gaming Experiences
The existence of casual gaming has experienced a shift from some of the older, more established games such as Pong and Tetris that are defined now as casual games to the more modern, updated versions fully playable on any portable device, of which are of infinite varieties. Pong…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic Games that earn the “Hardcore” Label (Article 5) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 9 month and 11 days ago
Games that earn the “Hardcore” Label
The current generation of gaming consoles have demonstrated an unprecedented level of success in terms of customer sales. Games have a mass appeal. Gamers are drawn to the technical spectacle and the potential challenge each game presents. It is in that depth of challenge, that willingness to chuck hour aft…[Read more]
ZacharySchneller started the topic Upgrade Loop de Loops: What Works and What Doesn’t (pitch) in the forum Writer’s Workshop 7 years 11 month and 1 day ago
1. A note on Destiny (what NOT to do)
First, a comparison of Destiny of a kind of evolution of Borderlands, and not necessarily for the better (ex: the light system, the annoying configurations of weapon attack and defense). The main culprit, of course, is RLJesus, the one sure bet when the player is #1 on his team that player at some point will…[Read more]
Thanks, great article.
This game is amazing
Love this game
Great game
Whole series is awesome
The PS4 version of this game looks amazing.
They also added commentary to the cinematics.
nice game.
I’m playing the PS4 version right now. Can’t get enough!
One of the ultimate Man Movies!! Five Stars all the way!!
I aint got time to Bleed!
This is Arnold in his Prime…Love this movie…Still remember the classic one liners in this movie and of course the adorable Alyssa Milano back when i had a super huge crush on her….overall a must see for any Arnold Fans!!!
Love this movie!!! it took me awhile to get over Heath Ledger’s Broke Back Mountain performance (haha) but this movie did it…Poweful, Suspensful, and Heroic…
One of Sheen’s best movies….also Berenger played every terrible characteristic an NCO (non-commissoner officer) could have that you dont want…awesome role…Finally got to love Dafoe’s peformance..(his left behind scene is still one of the best dramatic scenes in any movie…..Hands down one of my favorites!
A true Classic…Really only worth watching for the 1st 45min of the movie…once they leave Boot Camp it loses something..but still a great movie overall!
Was definitely considering the Madden 25 just because i felt obligated to buy since i was playing Madden since the beginning but not sure if I should get Madden 15 instead…Would love some feedback on this…
For my money, it all comes down to how much you want to pay.
Madden 15 will be new, have the latest rosters, and all of the newest features. The graphics also look at lot better (at least for the PS4 and Xbox One versions).
However, if you don’t care about every new feature (and, quite honestly, if you’re not a Madden die hard, you may not even know what new features are in Madden 15), and you want the game for much cheaper, Madden 25 wasn’t a bad game.
Im so excited to check this game out…I’m not big on buying games right now…but this one will definitely have to fit in my budget!
Get it – this was my favorite game of the previous console generation (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii), and one of my all time favorite games ever. Just make sure to bring a handkerchief!
Do they any plans for a follow up to Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball?
Efficient German football.
I found myself nodding in agreement with so much you said here. I’m not a hard-core gamer by any stretch, so reviews of games by traditional reviewers wouldn’t mean much to me. Knowing that meterbreak shows me what I would like or what I should try based on MY tastes is genius!
Wow – thanks for the kind words!
Well Said sir…well said!
This is CRAZY!!!
you’re a dork